What is passive fire protection?
Passive fire protection is built into the existing structure of a building and must be part of a fire safety strategy. Having the correct systems in place to suppress a fire into a single area will help keep escape routes safe and open for evacuation.
By doing this and safeguarding a building’s structure, the lives of staff and visitors can be protected and the financial damage caused by a fire restricted. Ensuring a building’s sustainability and safety will ensure a business can recover quickly if a fire does occur.
This protection takes place through the installation and use of:
- Fire doors: Fire doors are designed to maintain the fire compartment lines within a building, reducing the spread of flame and smoke throughout a building, whilst allowing for safe means of escape.
- Fire dampers: Fire dampers are installed into heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) ducts to prevent the spread of fire within the ductwork through fire-resistance rated walls and floors.
- Smoke extracts: Smoke extracts aid the survivability and evacuation of occupants by controlling and venting smoke from escape routes.
Here at EA-RS Passive Fire Protection we have over 25 years of experience within the passive fire protection industry. We aim to ensure that your legal obligations are fully met through the installation of passive fire stopping products tailored to suit the environment and use of space in which you work.
We also provide regular maintenance checks to provide you with peace of mind knowing your systems will function effectively. If you require an inspection of your passive fire protection systems, or need a new product installed, contact us today.